Below are the answers to frequently asked questions from our customers. Can't find an answer here? Please contact our customer service team.

Many of our products are built-to-order and have extended lead times ranging from 4-6 months.
We provide our product only to Government Organisations (Armed Forces, Security General Directorate, etc.) and some Corporate Companies. Individual sales may be possible if you are in charge of a government agency and provide an official letter from that agency.
Unless an individual product is covered by a separately issued warranty, Gentex Norbo warrants that all products will be free from defects in material or workmanship under normal use and service for a period one (1) year from the date of delivery.
Many of our products are built-to-order. We don’t sell second hand products.
By clicking here, you can reach the Checklists and determine your requirements more comprehensively. Contact our customer service for additional assistance.
You may download material displayed on the Site for personal use only, provided you also retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the materials. You may not, however, distribute, modify, transmit, reuse, report, or use the contents of the Site for public or commercial purposes, including the text, images, audio, and video without our advance written permission.
Click on the word for reaching out to Instagram, Youtube, Facebook.
Product user manuals are provided with the products. If needed, you can request it from our customer service.
We have a comprehensive product display in our factory.
Depending on availibility, the requested product can be provided for a limited time.
Please call customer service or submit your request from the contact us page.
An end-user statement, or EUS, is a document used in international transfers, including sales and arms provided as aid, of defense article that the buyer is the final recipient of the materials and does not plan on transferring the materials to another party. The end user and country of end use for each Product for each Order must be stated on every Order. Please click here for the document. Click.
Payment terms and methods are determined during the order process.
Please call customer service or submit your request from the contact us page.